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Pink Sugar

From the Castle Of Our Hearts

Forest Wedding
"My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never"

Our Story


Unlike King who is accustomed to telling stories, this exercise is strange to me but then it would appear I am bound; where do I start? It is amazing to witness how God predestined and preordained our paths. I smile even as I attempt to write flashbacks of our story as we were schoolmates.

One thing I remember vividly is the day in secondary school form 4 (high school in the US),
when I was steering through the window of his class, stunned, I asked Yvonne, my close friend;
"na which fine boy that…?"; Well, I reserve her comment for another day.
Disclaimer: We were not friends and we never dated. But I must affirm that he was sharp,
energetic and very noticeable.
Let me Fast forward:
Years later, I would reconnect with the man you all now know, full-grown, blessed with
an outstanding passion for people, and above all a lover of Christ. My very first expressed emotion
to the reconnecting of this new person would be, " Youuu!, mmmmh, wow…! Certainly, I shouldn't be the one to tell you, he is such a multi-talent and with a daring dream.
If I must get into every detail, then it will definitely take us a while. But the long and short of this
anecdote is; when you realize the man you wish to spend the rest of your life with is a visionary,
you can't wait to start.

The requirement to question the very foundations of our reality makes me

inspired and motivated to get moving.

In a world of stories, this story spans two decades to mention the least;

as teenagers, we were just schoolmates.

Today, I esteem that Ono (Oliema) is an untwined fit,

helpmeet of the vision to which I am a prisoner -

no wonder the Vision would be christened O'King.

A massive wave of excitement rushes through my spine every second I try to
visualize that moment when the solemnization of our holy matrimony will be actualized,

not just for the honor of it,

but because I will live to love forever the number one believer of the things to
which I instinctively ascribe value to:

Subconsciously and Spiritually.

My love for you - Ono is a journey,

starting at forever and ending at never!

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